I love this scarf! It’s a great way of adding a pop of colour or pattern to any outfit – and it keeps your neck warm. What more could you want?

Here’s my Mum wearing hers, trying to pretend that she’s not in the photo (which, let’s face it, is pretty hard…)


I’ll try and add some more photos to this one later, but here are the basics:

Infinity Scarf


A piece of lightweight fabric, 175cm by 60cm


What to do:

Fold and iron your fabric in half lengthways, with the right sides together, and pin in place


Sew along the long side of your rectangle, to give you one long tube of fabric


Press open your seam

Turn the right way out and fold in half again the other way, so the two open ends of your tube are together. Make sure the seams line up exactly

Now to join both ends of the scarf. Taking the two inner layers of fabric, pin them together, then sew in place, removing the pins as you go.


Keep going around the circle until the two ends are all joined, except for a gap of about two inches

Remove from the sewing machine and fold under the edges of the last two inches to match the rest, then hand sew the gap closed.
