Grace says: A pretty way to keep your clothes clean while baking, this apron also makes a lovely gift for any wannabe Bake Club members in your life.




A rectangle of thicker fabric, 80cm x 65cm for the apron

A rectangle of complementary fabric 35 cm x 20cm for the pocket

2m of 30mm cotton tape, cut into 4 lengths of 50cm for the ties


What to do:

Fold and iron your fabric in half lengthways and sideways so you have a cross in the middle of your fabric. Open back up and lay out portrait.

On what will be the top of your apron, measure 15cm to the left and right of the fold and mark.

Draw a diagonal line from these points outwards to each side crease, halfway down the edge of the apron. to give you your apron shape. Once you’re happy with the shape, cut along these lines.


Hem the apron all the way around.

Pin two of your ties at the outer edges of the top of the apron, and the two at the waist (where your diagonal line ended). Sew firmly in place.

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Zig zag stitch all the way around your pocket piece and hem all four sides. Pin into place on your apron, using the cross in the middle as your guide..

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Sew around the sides and bottom of your pocket to hold it in place, then sew another line up the middle to split it into two sections.

Wear and go bake!
