I’m so excited to be sewing through all the projects in Secrets, Schemes & Sewing Machines again, and this time sharing them with you as I go!

The first project in the book involves very little sewing at all, but you may well use it through every other project you tackle. This simple needle book is very similar to one I made as a child in primary school, and my Mum still has that one to this day. Of course, you can decorate it and make it more exciting, just by adding extra trimmings or embellishments to the fabric cover before you glue it onto the card. Get creative with it!

Here’s the basic project:

Needle Book


2 pieces of card, 15×10 cm

1 piece of fabric, 20×26 cm

2 pieces of felt, 13×20 cm

What to do:

Lay your fabric out landscape with the pattern (the right side) facing down and the back of the fabric (the wrong side) showing.

Place your pieces of card portrait side by side on the wrong side of the fabric, with a 1cm gap between the two pieces and a border of fabric around the edges.


Glue the card in place, and fold and glue the edges of the fabric neatly over the card


Glue one piece of felt over the card that’s still showing, to give you a neat finish


Fold in half to make the needle book cover

Mark the middle of the felt inside the book, and the middle of your second piece of felt – this will be your spine


Lay the second piece of felt inside the book so the marks match up, then sew in place with a line of running stitch or back stitch in a complementary thread up the spine, so the felt acts as the pages of your needle book


Store your needles in the pages by feeding them through the felt and back out again, so they stay securely in place

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